
Trucking Accidents: Causes & Liability

Truck Accident

Trucking accidents can be devastating, causing severe injuries or even fatalities. While there are many causes of trucking accidents, some are more common than others. In this blog, we will explore the top causes of trucking accidents and who may be liable for them.

1. Driver Fatigue

Truck drivers are often under pressure to meet tight deadlines, leading to long hours on the road. This can result in driver fatigue, which impairs their ability to react quickly and make sound decisions. If a truck driver causes an accident due to fatigue, both the driver and the trucking company may be held liable.

2. Distracted Driving

Distractions like mobile phones, eating, or even daydreaming can cause a truck driver to lose focus on the road. Distracted driving is a significant cause of trucking accidents, and drivers who cause accidents due to distractions may be held liable.

3. Improper Loading

Trucks that are not loaded correctly can cause accidents. Overloaded trucks can lead to tire blowouts or brake failure, while underloaded trucks can cause instability and loss of control. The trucking company may be liable for accidents caused by improper loading.

4. Equipment Failure

Trucks require regular maintenance and inspections to ensure they are in good working order. Equipment failure, such as brake failure or tire blowouts, can cause accidents. If the trucking company failed to properly maintain the truck, they may be held liable for accidents caused by equipment failure.

5. Driving Under the Influence

Truck drivers who operate their vehicles under the influence of drugs or alcohol can cause accidents. If a truck driver causes an accident due to driving under the influence, both the driver and the trucking company may be held liable.

Rossman, Baumberger, Reboso & Spier, P.A. Is Here for You 

Remember, trucking accidents can be caused by a variety of factors. If you or a loved one has been involved in a trucking accident, it is essential to understand who may be liable for the accident. Rossman, Baumberger, Reboso & Spier, P.A. is a personal injury law firm with experience in trucking accidents. Our experienced attorneys can help you navigate the complex legal process and fight for the compensation you deserve.